Dr László Somogyi


Place of consultations

Panoráma Polyclinic (Buda)
7 Derkovits street, 1126 Budapest

Booking an appointment

Book an appointment online! You can choose a suitable time for you in our calendar.

Making appointments

Egyes ellátásainkhoz időpont-egyeztetés szükséges (közvetlen bejelentkezés nem lehetséges). Kérjük, kattintson a gombra, és küldje el elérhetőségeit. Ezt követően telefonon vagy e-mailben felvesszük Önnel a kapcsolatot.

  • Specialized knowledge in the whole range of acute and chronic psychiatric patient care.
  • Experience in the advanced assessment, treatment and care of adult psychiatric disorders:
    • major depression
    • anxiety disorders
    • alkohol- és szerhasználattal összefüggő zavarok
    • neurocognitive disorders (dementias),
    • personality disorders
    • szkizofrénia spektrum- és más pszichotikus zavarok
    • bipolar affective disorder

’I obtained my medical degree in 2013 in Pécs. I consider the therapeutic activity as a partnership, in which I seek an alliance with the people who come to me. During the process, I consider it extremely important to find a common language and a mutually safe, yet comfortable closeness/distance. In addition to my fundamentally humanistic attitude, I work with an analytical and dynamic approach.’

’I worked as an ambulance attendant for a year during university before obtaining my medical degree. After becoming a doctor, I worked at the psychiatric department of Mohács Hospital and then at the Thalassa House Institute of Psychotherapy and Psychiatric Rehabilitation until I passed my psychiatric specialist exam in 2018. In the years since then I have worked as an on-call physician in general practice, as a psychiatrist in Fonyód, and I am currently a psychiatrist at the Normafa Idősek Otthona (home for the elderly) and a psychiatrist and a treating therapist at Thalassa House. I am currently training as a group analyst with the Group Analytic and Training Society.’

Related practices

  • 2006 - 2013 - Faculty of General Medicine, University of Pécs
  • 2013-2018 - Residency training: psychiatric department of Mohács Hospital, Thalassa House Institute of Psychotherapy and Psychiatric Rehabilitation
  • 2018 - psychiatric specialist examination

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