Stress management group starts for women struggling to get pregnant
At Panoráma Polyclinic we are starting a group led by Dr Zsuzsa Bodor – psychiatrist, psychotherapist, perinatal consultant, EMDR practitioner – for those participating in assisted reproduction procedures, and for those struggling with conception failure.
You can register continuously at the e-mail address:
Conception difficulties and infertility treatments lead to state of stress, while chronic state of stress can cause difficulty conceiving. It has now been proven by research that women struggling with difficulty in getting pregnant are in a much better state of health if they also receive help in stress management (therapeutic) groups, not just physical and hormonal treatments.
At Panoráma Polyclinic, we are now starting a thematic group for women diagnosed with infertility, using stress-reducing exercises and cognitive techniques combined with the so-called butterfly hug known from the toolkit of EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapies. Effective stress reduction and restoration of body and soul balance have been proven to improve mental and physical well-being.
Group sessions allow you to experience the supportive strength of people with similar problems in a safe environment. This in itself is stress-reducing, because it can alleviate the feeling of isolation that is common experience of those struggling with conception difficulties. During the 8 sessions, we will talk about relationship and individual difficulties that arise typically, and the participants learn relaxation and stress management exercises that they can use effectively during future treatments, pregnancy or any life situation that may arise later. The stabilization and relaxation exercises are drawn from the EMDR therapy toolkit which is characterised by using the natural regenerative and adaptive coping skills of the nervous system to deal with problems.
Women who have been diagnosed with infertility and those who are currently or will soon be participating in an assisted reproduction procedure are welcome to join the group.
The group starts on a two-weekly basis.
It works in a closed group format, as the individual sessions form a unit, build on each other, and this is also necessary to create a safe space. Commitment happens at the end of the first session. The group starts with a maximum of 8 people, in 90 minutes per session.
Admission to the group is preceded by an interview with the group leader.
The groups are led by Dr Zsuzsa Bodor, psychiatrist, psychotherapist, perinatal consultant, EMDR (therapist) practitioner.
Location: 10 Derkovits street, 1126 Budapest
Apply by e-mail:
Fee for the first interview: HUF 20,000
Fee for participation in the group: HUF 72,000 (fee for the 8-occasion course, payable in advance, payment by instalments is possible)
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Stress management group starts for women struggling to get pregnant
Stresszkezelő csoport indul nehezített teherbeeséssel küzdőknek Dr. Bodor Zsuzsa pszichiáter, pszichoterapeuta, pe