Dr Ágota Magyari


Place of consultations

Panoráma Polyclinic (Buda)
7 Derkovits street, 1126 Budapest

Booking an appointment

Book an appointment online! You can choose a suitable time for you in our calendar.

Dr Ágota Magyari focuses on the treatment of headaches, numbness, dizziness, chronic pain (e.g. lower back pain, spinal pain radiating to the limbs), memory impairment, disorders of motor coordination, and diseases associated with cerebral blood circulation disorders, in addition to a wide range of neurological disorders. She is a member of the Pain Outpatient Clinic’s team and also participates in the work of the ADHD team at Panoráma Polyclinic.

She graduated from the University of Debrecen in 2013 and passed the neurology specialist examination in 2019. In addition to her work at the Department of Neurology, she regularly participated in the work of the Emergency Department of the Uzsoki Street Hospital, gaining clinical experience in the care of neurological pathologies requiring emergency intervention. Since 2019, she has been a member of the Hungarian Neurological Society, the Hungarian Neuroimmunology Society and the Hungarian Headache Society.

As a neurologist, she deals with the investigation, diagnosis and therapy of diseases of the human nervous system (brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, muscles), and she participates in the work of the Pain Outpatient Clinic and the ADHD team too.

Main areas of expertise are

  • loss of consciousness
  • back pain, spinal pain radiating to the limbs
  • disturbances of smell, vision, hearing, balance, swallowing
  • muscle weakness
  • numbness
  • difficulty speaking
  • confusion
  • memory problems
  • tremors and other disorders of motor coordination
  • autoimmune diseases of the nervous system

‘It is of utmost importance that during neurological consultations sufficient time and calm environment should be available for doctor-patient meetings. It makes possible that we could carefully unfold the patients’ current complaints and their history, which contributes to the accurate establishment of diagnosis.

According to my medical creed the essential factors for recovery are a doctor-patient relationship based on empathy, examination and treatment based on the latest research and regular consultations with various other specialties (internal medicine, psychiatry, psychology).’

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Publications, memberships
  • Experiences with Mitoxantron treatment in SM (Dr Viktória Varga, Dr Ágota Magyari, Dr Gábor Jakab, MANIT IV: Congress, co-author)
  • Hungarian Neurological Society
  • Hungarian Neuroimmunology Society
  • Hungarian Headache Society

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