Child psychiatry

Gyermekpszichiátriai magán rendelés keretében a 3–18 éves korosztálynál megjelenő mentális zavarok diagnosztizálásával és kezelésével foglalkozunk. 

The most common child psychiatric problems include:

  • attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD),
  • tic disorders (e.g. Tourette's syndrome),
  • mood disorders (e.g. depression),
  • anxiety disorders,
  • nutrition/eating disorders,
  • obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD),
  • crisis conditions or even psychotic disorders.

We currently do not deal with the care of autism spectrum disorders.

These difficulties can manifest themselves in the form of many symptoms, such as:

  • behavioural and mood changes,
  • behavioural and mood changes,
  • increased activity,
  • difficulties with emotion regulation,
  • increased fears,
  • changes in eating behaviour,
  • integration difficulties
  • etc.

Making an appointment for our ADHD consultation

Panoráma Polyclinic (Buda): 7 Derkovits street, 1126 Budapest

During the child psychiatric assessment, we will work together with the family to determine whether the above symptoms occur and whether they correspond to the criteria for any child psychiatric disorder. If necessary, additional specialists from Panoráma Polyclinic (clinical psychologist and special needs teacher) will also be involved in the diagnostic process. After the examination, if necessary, we will also make recommendations to deal with the problems, in accordance with national and international professional guidelines. In most cases, this will involve some type of psychotherapy (individual therapy, family therapy, group therapy or the combination of these) and/or medication, and the related issues will be discussed together with the families.

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Place of consultations

Panoráma Polyclinic (Buda)
7 Derkovits street, 1126 Budapest

Making appointments

For some of our services – for some of our psychiatrists – making a prior appointment is required. Please fill in the form below. After that you will be contacted by phone or email.

Our Professional

Dr Péter Garas

child and adolescent psychiatrist, family therapist in training, psychotherapist candidate

Dr. Mészáros Gergely pszichiáter, gyermek- és ifjúságpszichiáter

pszichiáter, gyermek- és ifjúságpszichiáter, pszichoterapeuta