On our PsychoLogic site, you can listen to podcasts and read articles and blogs on topics that we hope will be of interest to you.
ADHD: hiperaktivitás és figyelemzavar
The terms of ADHD, "child with ADHD", have now entered the common language, but that should not mislead anybody.
Indication interview
Indication means recommendation. In medical sense, it is therefore a reason to use a certain test, medication and treatment.
‘My child doesn't have ADHD, it’s just...’
How can I, or the people involved in the environment (e.g. school), know for sure what the cause of my child's daily behavioural problems and unusual reactions is?
Child with ADHD in the family
‘According to current knowledge, ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is a predominantly biologically determined psychological...
Stress management group starts for women struggling to get pregnant
At Panoráma Polyclinic we are starting a group led by Dr Zsuzsa Bodor – psychiatrist, psychotherapist, perinatal consultant, EMDR practitioner – for those participating in assisted reproduction procedures...
ADHD testing for adult patients
Panoráma Polyclinic is launching a complex ADHD (Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder) diagnostic practice for adults.
Our new, expanded adult ADHD diagnostic programme
Since 2022, Panoráma Polyclinic has been offering complex ADHD diagnostics for adults.
A perinatális időszak traumái – Podcast
Beszélgetés tabukról, nehezen kimondható helyzetekről, a nőkről és arról, ami egy életen át elkísér… ...
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