Focus on body and soul
Our priority consultations
A Panoráma Poliklinika létrehozásakor erős szakmai elköteleződés és személyes tapasztalatok vezették az alapítókat arra, hogy olyan magánklinika kialakítására törekedjenek, ahol a gyógyítás betegközpontú modelljét tudják megvalósítani.
(adult consultations)
If you suffer from mood disorders, disturbances in emotion...
Felnőttek komplex ADHD-kivizsgálása
Teljes körű ADHD-diagnosztikát kínálunk felnőttek számára...
Perinatal psychiatry
Perinatal period and what specific mental difficulties...
Child psychiatry
Diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders in children aged 3-18 years.
Gyermekek ADHD-kivizsgálása
ADHD stands for Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder...
BLOG - PsyhcoLogic
Articles, podcasts
On our PsychoLogic site, you can listen to podcasts and read articles and blogs on topics that we hope will be of interest to you.
ADHD: hiperaktivitás és figyelemzavar
The terms of ADHD, "child with ADHD", have now entered the common language, but that should not mislead anybody.
Indication interview
Indication means recommendation. In medical sense, it is therefore a reason to use a certain test, medication and treatment.
‘My child doesn't have ADHD, it’s just...’
How can I, or the people involved in the environment (e.g. school), know for sure what the cause of my child's daily behavioural problems and unusual reactions is?
Child with ADHD in the family
Az ADHD, a figyelemhiányos hiperaktivitási zavar a mai tudás szerint döntően biológiailag meghatározott psziché
Stress management group starts for women struggling to get pregnant
Stresszkezelő csoport indul nehezített teherbeeséssel küzdőknek Dr. Bodor Zsuzsa pszichiáter, pszichoterapeuta, pe
Letters from our patients
We would like to thank Dr Mónika Baracskai for her infinitely patient, empathetic and helpful attitude towards my child.
I had an adult ADHD assessment. I chose the clinic hoping for a very thorough examination and that is exactly what I got. Dr Zoltán Lakatos and Fruzsina Radnai are extremely empathetic, open and well-prepared professionals. Every time, I felt that they examined and noticed my problems in their entirety, and that they also looked at and informed me about the deeper context. There was a genuine willingness to help and cooperation throughout the whole examination. I am completely satisfied and did not have to wait years.