ADHD: hiperaktivitás és figyelemzavar

Az ADHD, az „ADHD-s gyerek” kifejezés mára bevonult a köznyelvbe, de ez ne tévesszen meg senkit. Pszichiátriai zavarról van szó, amelynek diagnosztikája, vizsgálata és kezelése gyors ütemben fejlődik a világon. A Panoráma Poliklinikán klinikai szakpszichológus, gyógypedagógus és gyermekpszichiáter vesz részt a kivizsgálásban.

Gyermek Adhd diagnosztika

ADHD (Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder) is a neurodevelopmental disorder in which attention deficit and hyperactivity are present at the same time.

ADHD is characterized by a high degree of inattention, persistent impulsivity and restless behaviour, as well as irregularities in cognitive development, which can cause specific abnormalities in higher level mental processes (flexibility of adaptation, inhibition of action, planning and execution). The ADHD syndrome starts in early childhood, characteristic symptoms can be detected from around the age of two, usually causing significant difficulties until the end of adolescence, but in some cases persisting into adulthood.

It is important to know that similar symptoms can be caused by other problems too (e.g. school immaturity, specific learning disability, delayed intellectual development, depression, sensory problems, or behavioural problems resulting from negative life events or family-environmental influences) and ADHD can only be distinguished from these by assessment. The complex ADHD screening package consists of a clinical psychological interview and questionnaire, special educational-psychological assessment of the child and a specific assessment by a child psychiatrist, including observation.

Our contact details

Panoráma Polyclinic (Buda): 7 Derkovits street, 1126 Budapest

In your message, please make sure to mention that you are requesting an appointment for ADHD and please attach the pedagogical opinion.

How can we notice that our child is showing symptoms of ADHD?

ADHDcan be suspected if the child's performance is extreme, uneven, has learning and behavioural difficulties, sometimes produces particularly good, other times very poor results. It can also be suspicious if the child is distracted, shows fluctuating emotions, behaves disorderly, acts recklessly and inordinately and may have temper outbursts. At school, they may complain that the child’s grades are lower than his/her abilities, does not follow rules, disrupts class or simply his/her attention wanders, makes mistakes in what he/she knows, a

The characteristics are individual, but their difficulties and life histories show a characteristic pattern, which is the task of the specialist to identify and evaluate the information.

What should we expect from the assessment?

Az állapotfelmérés és a pontos diagnózis felállítása azért is lényeges, mert egyes fejlesztési módszerek bizonyos életkori határok között sikeresebben alkalmazhatóak, illetve a gyerek együttműködési készsége is változhat az életkor függvényében.

Individualised therapy can include behavioural therapy, medication, parenting advice, various developmental activities, psychotherapy, etc. These can help to reduce disturbances in psychological development and restore harmony in personality development.

Check out our previous Facebook chats on this topic with our specialists:

  • ‘A child with ADHD in the family’ - with Dr Gergely Mészáros, child psychiatrist
  • The chat recorded in May with Dr Mónika Baracskai, child psychiatrist, will also be posted on our website soon

Details and registration for assessment (for children over 4 years of age):

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Making appointments

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