Komplex ADHD-kivizsgálás felnőttek számára

Panoráma Polyclinic offers complex ADHD (Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder) diagnostics for adults. The team conducting the examination consists of psychiatrists (Dr Zoltán Lakatos and Dr Anikó Somogyi), somatic specialists (Dr Nóra Máté-Horváth, Dr Ágota Magyari and Dr András Spányik) and psychologists (Erika Kovács and Fruzsina Radnai).

 The examination was designed in accordance with professional protocols (based on international standards). Members of our team of somatic doctors, psychiatrists and psychologists have been working in close professional cooperation for years.

Felnőtt ADHD kivizsgálás (Budapest)

During the diagnostic procedure, in addition to the psychiatric examination, somatic medical examination, questionnaire survey and clinical psychological test are carried out to help separate the symptoms of ADHD from other conditions showing similar symptoms and to provide a more accurate picture of the severity of ADHD. The careful, multifaceted diagnostic process will result in an accurate diagnosis, which will facilitate the selection of the most appropriate treatment and therapeutic method to achieve change in the condition.

A komplex ADHD-diagnosztikai folyamat lépései

I. Basic tests

a) Szomatikus orvosi vizsgálatok: laboratory tests, 12-lead resting ECG examination (duration approx. 20 minutes)

b) Psychological screening:personality questionnaire to be completed on site (time required 50-60 minutes); the patient can fill in additional questionnaires at home

II. Consultation with a somatic specialist (20 minutes)

III. Psychiatric assessment (2×50 minutes): medical history, lifestyle data, mapping of current symptoms, recording of cross-sectional psychological status

IV. Examination led by a clinical psychologist (2×50 minutes) + a 25- minute consultation; during the clinical psychological examination, a brief informative interview is conducted, followed by the recording of a performance and neuropsychological test

V. Specialist psychiatric assessment (50 minutes): summary of test results, detailed assessment of ADHD-specific symptoms

A comprehensive expert opinion, based on the consensus of the specialists involved in the complex assessment, is prepared by the psychiatrist leading the team and handed it over or sent to the patient within one month.

A komplex ADHD-diagnosztikai csomag ára 349.000,– Ft.
(It is important to know that the invoice will be issued at the time when the first appointment is made, and the booked appointment will be finalised after the amount has been received.)

Please come to the examinations always well rested, do not consume any alcohol the day before, do not be under the influence of any mind-altering drugs, and do not have more than your normal caffeine intake! If you wish to change or cancel your appointment, please send a written notification to pszi@panoramaklinika.hu. If you cancel your pre-booked appointment within two working days or fail to appear at the examination without notice, we can arrange a new date for you upon payment of the fee for the extra appointment.

Kérjük, hogy addiktológiai probléma esetén – mivel a szerhasználat kontraindikációt jelent a kivizsgálásra nézve – a megvonást követően 3 hónap absztinenciát tartva jelentkezzen vizsgálatra, hogy a diagnosztikai folyamat megbízható, hiteles eredménnyel zárulhasson.

Frequently asked questions

Miért szükséges, hogy az első alkalomra magukkal hozza kórházi zárójelentéseit, esetleg a korábban készült pszichológiai vizsgálatok eredményeit?

Az előzmények, az élettörténet, az állapotot befolyásoló hatások, a korábbi kezelések eredményei segítik a pszichiáter szakorvost a diagnózis alkotásban és a terápiás javaslat kialakításában. A korábbi pszichológiai vizsgálat eredménye – ha van – az aktuális vizsgálat egyénre szabott megtervezéséhez ad információt.

Why do you need a somatic medical examination before seeing the psychiatrist?

The latest results of medical tests - laboratory, ECG - provide information about the patient's physical condition and possible somatic illnesses that may also be associated with psychiatric symptoms. The prescription of psychiatric medication also requires accurate knowledge of the somatic condition.

Why is psychological examination necessary?

ADHD is a condition with a characteristic symptom pattern that can not only be observed at behavioural level (e.g. inattention, impulsivity) but also produces a specific pattern of cognitive functioning. The severity of the problem can be better assessed by examining general cognitive functioning and specific executive activities, and by identifying areas of good and poor functioning, the selection of compensation techniques becomes easier. The cognitive/neuro-psychological tests, as well as questionnaires designed to get to know the personality and other questionnaires also provide information for answering the differential diagnostic questions.

How is the psychiatric assessment carried out?

In the psychiatric diagnosis of ADHD, the psychiatrist uses an interview developed for the ADHD issue. He/she asks questions to assess the condition and to distinguish it from other mental problems.

A vizsgálatok során kapott eredmények összegzésével a pszichiáter állítja fel a diagnózist  és tesz javaslatot a kezelésre. Ha szükség van gyógyszeres kezelésre, pszichoedukációt is folytat, és a páciens véleményét meghallgatva, az információk mérlegelése után tájékoztatást ad a gyógyszeres kezelési folyamatról. A gyógyszer beállítása az előírt protokoll szerint, kontrollvizsgálatok közbeiktatásával történik, a pontos menetet a szakorvos egyezteti a pácienssel. (A pszichiátriai kontrollvizsgálatok árát a csomagár nem tartalmazza.)

A komplex, valamennyi vizsgálat összefoglalását tartalmazó szakvéleményt a pszichiáter e-mailen küldi el a páciens részére. A szakvélemény kb. 30 nap alatt készül el.

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Making appointments

For some of our services – for some of our psychiatrists – making a prior appointment is required. Please fill in the form below. After that you will be contacted by phone or email.

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